AfTraH Review Process

In our very first call for funding in 2013, we received well over 200 applications requesting a total funding of six times more than the available funds. 

What’s the process?

The process considers each project, progressing through a clear set of steps:

AfTraH Review Process
  1. Eligibility. The Task Manager will reject any applications that fail to meet our eligibility criteria. 
  2. Information gaps. Our experienced team will contact applicants if they feel that additional information is needed.
  3. Technical screening. Carried out by staff from our Trade Development Division, this will determine potential trade development impact and project readiness, as well as potential outcomes and impacts on economic, gender and inclusive development issues.
  4. Peer review and sponsorship. Some projects may be referred to relevant Organizational Units with a country or sector focus for peer review or possible sponsorship.
  5. Dialogue. Distance dialogue, face-to-face meetings and field visits may form part of the appraisal process. 

This process typically takes around two months from the close of applications.

What criteria do we use to assess your project?

We assess each project against our principles of effective development cooperation, including:

  • Selectivity: Areas where the Bank demonstrates comparative advantage and value addition. Country ownership Aligned to RECs and RMCs’ trade strategies and development plans
  • Results-focused: Strive for tangible results, focus on M&E and timely technical support
  • Private sector development: Develop and promote business as an engine of growth
  • Gender focus: Mainstream removal of barriers for women in trade and measure change
  • Environmental sustainability: Address trade and environment including biodiversity
  • Complementarity and partnerships: Leverage resources and build knowledge exchange
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