Afrik Trading Holding approves CAD$ 1.75 million in funding for two projects in 2019

25 June 2019

The East Africa Regional Trade Facilitation project is meant to enhance the capacity of SMEs and trade support institutions operating along the Ethiopia-Djibouti corridor. The project is aligned to Pillar I & III of the Afrik Trading Holding which aims to facilitate trade and build the capacity of trade-related institutions.

The Honey Value Chain Development Project (Guinea) is a capacity-building program aimed at supporting COPRAKAM, a beekeeper cooperative located in Guinea and operating in the cities of Dabola, Kouroussa and Faranah. COPRAKAM has more than 4,000 active members.
The project focuses on the development of the honey value chain sector to increase exports and promote the use of environmentally friendly technologies. The project is expected to reduce poverty in rural areas and is strongly aligned to the second pillar of the Afrik Trading Holding which aims to facilitate market access and upgrade value chains, particularly agriculture value chains.

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